Creativity can't happen out of the blue. It is the result of a purposeful process of divergent thinking.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

       Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world - Nelson Mandela. 

         As widely recognized, there is no other powerful weapon to bring about the desirable changes and hopeful movements in the world than the insignificant force of education. Education can open any door that the key fails, and it also contributes greatly to shaping a person's general behavior, equipping the best society that can give the world sparks of hope. The way in which the educational process is carried out and how it is transmitted varies from country to country. The program in India differs in theme, intensity, etc., from the program adopted by other countries. Even the assessment method is also different from country to country. Anyway, the ultimate goal of education, on the part of students, is to get a good and rewarding job that can help them survive effortlessly. Unlike before, the boom and attraction of overseas education have greatly increased and there are many reasons for this unprecedented growth as well. Perhaps that is why most students today prefer overseas education to anything else.

We will discuss here those three important reasons that attract international students to overseas education mainly after high school.

1.Quality of education.

As education attends to the purification of human frailties, it must be pure and harmless. In many countries like ours, India, we are ready to compromise on quality and end up creating useless individuals. When we look at the number of institutes and the proportion of quality they maintain, we are really surprised. Although the recent past has seen a huge leap in terms of the advent of professional colleges and institutes, it is sad that everyone tries to materialize education and fails to offer education of value or quality. But, at the same time, students are likely to receive the same education with absolute quality and all the relevance of super experienced teachers worldwide. That is why many of today's students pursue higher education abroad, even if it is a little difficult.

2.The standard of living.

The living standard is another attractive factor for students in international educational settings. In most countries that students have chosen for higher education, there are opportunities for part-time jobs so that they can earn while learning. International living facilities with earnings will make life easier and more enjoyable for students.
And that opportunity also gives them a special advantage over other people studying the same course in their own countries. Also, they are believed to have more knowledge and experience, as they are taught by foreign teachers and have opportunities to interact with brilliant students from around the world.

3.Real Exposure.

We are often left out of important missions and programs because we do not have adequate exposure that these opportunities require. Whether in the medical field, engineering, art, etc., the wide exposure is very important to outshine these fields, especially in a world of competitions. The Mare experience can never help us in the long run. In order to fill this gap and obtain real exposure with international experience, a large number of students resort to education abroad. However, it is up to us to ensure that the education given to us can really shape our character.

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